
15 Agust-Independence Day Of India

Every Indian Celebrates Independence Day on 15 August, Marking its Freedom from British rule in 1947.The Day is observed with Flag-hosting ceremonies. And That Day Govt. has also organised cultural performances, and patriotic speeches. It is a Nationalised holiday.

Independence day of india

Addresses By Honourable Prime Minister:

The Prime Minister Of India gives a speech from the Red Fort in Delhi, And addressing the Nation. That Day every school, college And any kind of firm, businesses and offices celebrate Independence day. Independence Day is celebrated annually on 15 august as a public holiday in India since 1947.


Why We Celebrates Independence Day?

Before 15 august 1947 British rule in India began in 1757 when, following the British victory at the Battle Of Plassey, The English East India Company began exercising control over the country. The East India Company ruled India for 100 years, until it was replaced by direct British rule in the wake of the Indian Mutiny in 1857–58.

Independence Day Of India

The Indian Freedom movement began during World War and was led by Mohandas Karmchand Gandhi, who advocated for a peaceful and nonviolent end to British rule. And We Have made our Govt. Rule for India.



Independence Day Before Freedom:

Harsat Mohani was the first person in Indian history, who demanded complete Independence (Purna Swaraj) in 1929. And After 1 year, (26 January 1930) India had declared Independence.

The Indian National congress called on people to pledge themselves to civil disobedience, And to Carry out the congress instructions issued from time to time.

Independence Day Of India

Partition And Independence:

 Millions of Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims refugees trekked the newly drawn border in nation. In Punjab, where the borders divided the Sikh regions in halves. In Bengal And Bihar massive Bloodshed followed, where Mahatma Gandhi presence assured by communal. When entire nation was celebrating Freedom Day, Gandhi stayed in Calcutta in an attempt to stem the carnage on 14 august 1947.


First Time we have celebrated independence day on 15 august 1947. That Day The Prime Minister of India to hoist the Indian flag first time in India from the Red Fort. After that every 15 august we celebrate as an Independence day.

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