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Birman cat - Update Every Time
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Birman cat

Birman cat

birman-catbirman catBirman cat

The Birman, likewise called the “Sacrosanct Cat of Burma”, is a homegrown feline variety. The Birman is a long-haired, shading pointed feline recognized by a satiny coat, dark blue eyes, and differentiating white “gloves” or “socks” on each paw. The variety name is gotten from Birmanie, the French type of Burma.

Scientific name: Felis catus

Higher classification: Cat

Rank: Breed

Origin: Sacred Birman, Sacred Cat of Burma

Personality: loving and affectionate breeds.

Colors: blue, lilac, chocolate, red, cream, and tortie.

Lifespan: 14 years

Size: 10 to 12 pounds

