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Aadhaar Card Link With LPG Connection - Update Every Time
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Aadhaar CardGovernment Schemes

Aadhaar Card Link With LPG Connection

Aadhaar Card Link With LPG Connection:

As per government rules, LPG users are eligible to receive only 12 cylinders a year at a subsidised rate. Mostly LPG users are going through rejection of their LPC connection, because they did not link their Aadhaar card  number to LPG connection.

Aadhaar card link with LPG connection  has most compulsory for all  Indian citizens to link their Aadhaar Card to their all new and old LPG gas connection to receive the benefits of LPG subsidy offered by the Indian government.

Aadhaar card link with LPG connection  has most compulsory for all  Indian citizens to link their Aadhaar Card to their all new and old LPG gas connection to receive the benefits of LPG subsidy offered by the Indian government.

भारतीय सरकार द्वारा एलपीजी सब्सिडी के लाभों को प्राप्त करने के लिए सभी भारतीय नागरिकों को आधार कार्ड को अपने सभी नए और पुराने एलपीजी गैस कनेक्शन से जोड़ने के लिए एलपीजी कनेक्शन के साथ आधार कार्ड लिंक अनिवार्य है।

The first step  to linking your Aadhaar Card to your LPG gas connection is to ensure that it is your aadhaar card is  first linked to your bank account, after which your Aadhaar Card can be linked with your LPG gas connection.

To receive the benefit of LPG gas connection subsidy, you need to link your LPG account with Aadhaar card. Also, linking your bank account with Aadhaar card  will make process much easier.

the government launched a scheme wherein individuals who could afford the full price of a LPG cylinder gave up the subsidy on it, with this amount used for the benefit of the less fortunate.

Process to Link Aadhaar Card to LPG Connection:

Linking Aadhaar Card to LPG via Submission of Application to the Distributor

  • Download subsidy forms from or the official websites of Bharat Gas, HP Gas or Indane.
  • Print out the form and enter the necessary information.
  • Visit your nearest LPG distributor and furnish the duly filled in application.
  • The application can also be dropped in the box at the office.

Linking Aadhaar Card to LPG via the Call Centre:

Your Aadhaar Card can be linked to your LPG gas connection by simply calling the call centre at 18000-2333-555 and following the instructions provided by the operator.

Linking Aadhaar Card to LPG Connection through Post:

To link your Aadhaar Card to your LPG gas connection via post, you will be needed to download the required Form from an official website and fill it in before submitting it along with the required enclosures to the address provided in the form.

Linking Aadhaar Card to LPG Connection through the Online Route:

  1. Open the website and enter the requisite information.
  2. Now Select the Benefit Type. So, if you want to link your Aadhaar Card to LPG connection, Select “LPG”. Now, mention the Scheme Name according to your LPG connection, for example, “IOCL” for Indane connections, “BPCL” for Bharat Gas connections and “IOCL” for HP Gas.
  3. Now Select the Distributor name from the list given and enter your LPG consumer number.
  4. Enter your other details such as mobile number, email address, and your Aadhaar number before hitting the “Submit” button.
  5. Once you click submit, you will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number and email ID which you need to enter into the page and submit to complete the process.

After successful verification of the information provided by you, the officials will send a confirmation of the linking on your mobile number and email ID.

Linking Aadhaar Card to LPG Connection through SMS:

UID SEED<State Short Code><Scheme/Program Short Code><Scheme/Program ID><Aadhaar No>

you need to send this SMS to the respective number that is 51969.